Thursday, September 12, 2024

Saw this on Insta, thought I'd Participate...

I'll be doing this for a few days / weeks...nice to meet ya.


Hi there, long time no see...or rather write...

Hey there, how is everyone doing. 

I'm so sorry for not staying in contact with you all but life got very busy. I ended up getting a shot in my thumb to help with the injury, so now I can actually type again without any issues. I'm also off to Japan on the 26th of September with my brother. T and our wee dog Freya will remain at home as we're still not sure about leaving her at a boarding kennels (the dog, not the wife). 

I've started a thing with the HSE (Irish Public Medical System) about 'Better Health' it's basically a health and fitness program, and I've already told them that I'll be missing one week (while I'm away). I have almost everything I'll need for going away, which is fun, but stressful.

I've been knitting and created this...

I also have one that I did in various tones of grey, which is way cute, I have been planning on trying to do some bits for a stall for Yule. I like them and they are very warm.

I've also created a few knitted witch hat book marks, which I will photograph and post images. 

Also T's relatives arrived and we spent some time doing hostess duties, we took them off around the coast and up to the cottage for dinner and some fun games of Jenga.

Where the novels are concerned, I've almost finished prepping the following five books to Sorceress, I hope to have at least three ready for the Christmas market so if you are interested stay tuned. 

I've also changed my author name to Author B. Molloy. Might be good for those who don't think women like me can write fantasy fiction for grown up readers. 

So, for now that's all I'm sharing  

Love and Bubbles

The Wicked Writer Author B. Molloy

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Insecure Writers Support Group Post July 2024


Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer - aim for a dozen new people each time - and return comments. This group is all about connecting!

July 3 question - What are your favourite writing processing (e.g. Word, Scrivener, yWriter, Dabble), writing apps, software, and tools? Why do you recommend them? And which one is your all time favourite that you cannot live without and use daily or at least whenever you write?

Before I get on with the optional July 3 question (directly above), I have to say that my hand is feeling better, I can actually type with it and not using a brace anymore is divine, though I might still need a cortisone shot as it can be still painful and I can't use my thumb very well. I never did find that diction software, and I still have to update posts, but I'm giving myself till next Monday to start again.

I've been struggling with the capitalisation of words lately, I don't do it as much as I used to, which is good, but now I find myself wondering if Vampire, Werewolf, Henchpires, Volfs, Sorceress, Empath and the likes should be capitalised when writing. Yes I know all about the person, place or thing and the beginning of sentences, but Doctor, Nurse, Ghoul? These all throw me. Some say nope, unless at the start of a sentence, don't put the capital in, but then I think, it doesn't look right, others say as long as you are consistent, put them in...I don't know anymore...*sigh*

I am also working on editing two novels, and expanding a third, so busy, busy, busy (doing most of the expanding by hand, pen in notebook (love doing that, only need to use the good hand for it, and the sore hand to hold the book still). It's been real nice to get back to the roots.

June has also seen my computer Big Mamma deciding that she doesn't like part of her motherboard anymore, and along with the wrong dates and time, the black or blue screens of death and taking a half an hour to start up, or having to restart her to get things to work, I'm fit to scream, I don't really want to replace the tower, I love my machine, she's stunning and works very hard for me...then last week as I needed to update my laptop, it told me that in 2025 windows 10 will stop being supported and my beautiful Edge can't be upgraded to blasted thing after another...*calming breaths*.

So, what was the question...oh yea, favourite writing processing app...

I love word, actually I loved the one that came with that other program eons ago, WordPerfect, oh how I loved that one, that's the one I actually learned to use in America when I lived in New York and took a class in La Guardia...(memories eh!). 

Where was I...oh yes, I love word, I do own a copy of Scrivener that I got from winning NaNoWriMo at half off, and I have tried using it, but I keep going back to word. I can do whole novels in one fell swoop using the heading and subheadings to denote chapters. I love publisher as well only they are phasing that one out, used to come with the whole package, but now you have to look for it.

There was also a program I got on a disc (bought in computer shop) long, long, long time ago, new novel or something like that. I loved using that, you could lay out your characters, your world, scene by scene or chapter by chapter... but fell out of using it when I got more involved with Microsoft word.

Word is the one I adore, I guess it's because I'm used to it, people have said it's clunky, and not built to write novels in, well for them that maybe so, and more power to the programs they use, but for me, it's the one that I know inside out and upside down, I love it, it even reads to me when I need it to. 

One day I might learn how to use Scrivener just as well cause it looks awesome, but for now I'll stick with my word.

Love and bubbles TWW Author Bridgina Molloy

Thursday, May 23, 2024

MIA (missing in action)

 Due to over doing it, have to stop typing for a a bit. Will be back next week hopefully. Have posts lined up, just gotta let tumb muscle heal. Know any good dictation soft ware.

The Insta thing, slide two...