A2Z 2020 Blogging Challenge
Better Late Than Never:
I missed yesterday's A 2 Z and I'm late today. My A 2 Z is based on races in my
fantasy world, some will be familiar to you as they appear in most fantasy
works by more famous authors than me, so bear with me as we begin the Challenge
today with ...
A is for:
that are created with artificial intelligence, they exist in various Dimensions
of the T.G. universe. They are built like robots, in order to resemble their
makers, and sometimes to infiltrate some other species. On some worlds where
they exist, they are treated as less than the creators, as slaves and workers.
their own worlds they ‘create’ their own offspring, and can live many, many
lifetimes. They are due to their artificial intelligence smarter than most give
them credit for.
Green skinned Aliens, large pointed ears, teardrop shaped faces, large bulbous
eyes. They hail from Rehtom. Originally, they were Goblins, but no longer, they
stole technology that they didn’t understand, and it all but wiped them out.
They grew to giant size, and the side effect was their own imminent deaths.
Arononos brought a ship load of Goblins in stasis to a far-off world, she
taught them what she figured they needed to know in order to survive. She also
gave them a set of laws that would stop them from making the same mistakes as
her own people had done. Her name was Nilbog Dlrow Rehtom and the Goblins she
saved were the Steampunk Goblins from Galc Martoc.
is a race of Water / Ice creatures. They have a blue / green tinge to their
skin, with silver eyes and hair. Their hair sticks up at odd angles, and they
don’t get taller than 5’6” tall.
race lives on the Ice planet of Atold, they are also space faring, their ships
are like freezers. Their homes are made from Ice, and they can manipulate water
and ice to suit their needs.
B is for:
Banteriagan are a race of four legged beings who walk on all fours, most of
their equipment has been created to encompass this, all steering and tech is
based at floor or shoulder level. They have large shaggy coated bodies, with
anteater type trunks, they amble, but if they do get up a head of steam watch
out as they will tear though what ever is in their way as they find it
difficult to stop.
snout is over a mouth that has flat teeth, they eat vegetables and vegetation.
The Banteriagan are mostly peaceful, though there is a legend that in their
past they did attack beings who wanted to make them into pack animals and food,
so they know they are capable of aggression if necessary.
creature with a gelatinous outer substance and liquid inner substance that
likes to take the form of what ever it comes into contact with, the form isn’t
that exact, but enough to make it easy at times to converse with various races.
The interior liquid form glitters. Baleen or bristles are encased within the
gelatinous outer core, and this filters the small bugs and dust that act as
food for the Blerg to absorb.
Blerg are another telepathic creature, it doesn’t have a mouth or vocal cords,
and likes to float around the place when not engaging with other creatures. Is
quite innocent in its actions. The Blerg don’t have a home world, they exist in
space, and are an ancient creature, they are born, and die in space. Very few
end up on planets if they can help it, but their curiosity sometimes gets the
better of them.
C is for:
Callinid come from the same planet as their race name, they are pale skinned,
with knuckle like ridges on nose, dark hair, Green eyes. Mostly found in the
Mercenary trade, military or pirate trades, due to them being unruly and giving
no corner.
six-foot male is small. This is a race where both male and female are
considered equal in all areas. They are skilled flyers and hunters. The
Callinid can sense trouble coming at them and know when most other beings are
telling the truth or not.
are a race of changelings and shapeshifters. In their natural form they have
luminescent skin, which is in turn transparent showing all the workings
underneath their skin. They don’t have any one shape; this allows them easy
or two have become thief’s, others work for military and security
organisations. Amongst their own species, on their own world, they have no need
to shift into any other form, it was always seen by them as a means of
communication, other species didn’t feel that way and kidnapped some making
them do as they required.
D is for:
of the neutral world Dansts, they are not to be trusted, since they could crawl
on their worlds surface, they have been doing deals and doing beings out of
food and money.
have progressed to being one of the largest known trading posts. They have
opened to the worst of the worst, seeing no difference in their money, as long
as it’s genuine, they don’t care.
are three-legged, small race, they have pointed faces much like a rat, complete
with beady eyes, whiskers and holes in the sides of their heads for ears. They
are hairless and have two arms with claw like fingers, and a tail that splits
in two at the base.
are a pink skin colour; their eyes are grey and the tongue is purple. Their
clothing is made to protect them from the sun, keeping all skin covered.
race of Dragonies are a race of shapeshifters, it’s not exactly clear when this
happened, it’s just known by the Dragonies that one day they were huge dragons
flying around, making nests, eating what livestock they could find, and the
next they were humanoid shaped, with smaller appetites and living in houses.
appears to have been a mass evolutionary event, caused by what they are not
sure of, they know that a few of their mages / science people may have been
involved with it. But the area they had been working in is still off limits,
several thousand years later.
race of Mages, they have magic, but it is passed down through the male linage,
and as such is valued highly. They build towers and practice their magic away
from everyone else (they don’t have traditional towns, but they do have towers,
some are closer than they would like and these are called clusters).
are not thought of very highly here, and any woman who is born with magic is
viewed suspiciously and is *encouraged* to join an order of Nun like women.
This is seen as a better outcome than what was previously done, which was to
murder them. The other women who have ‘no’ power are cleaners, and wives, they
do the menial work, they farm, cook, and make clothing.
Mages hold high positions in their society, they use magic to kill anyone that
tries to attack them, or to take their place. They have councils in districts
and clusters who answer to a higher council who have a Supreme Mage (or king of
mages). The mages are also smiths, innkeepers, teachers, etc.,
E is for...
are the second indigenous people from Turaedon and are quite short in stature.
They are a peaceful people who try to live with no animosity to anyone or
anything around them. They enjoy working with science and technology. They have
beige skin, with various colours of black, blonde, red and brown hair. Their
eyes are jewel coloured with no difference in the pupil or the so called
‘whites’ of their eyes.
Eccail prefer to dress in leaf and tree trunk colours, greens and browns. They
are more sophisticated in what they choose to wear, suits, dresses, and boots
that come to the knee.
Eccail are incredibly strong, which is hard to believe as they are built in a
slight fashion. They weren’t responsible for the deaths of the Borsc males,
they did try to cure it, only to find out that it wasn’t wanted, but food was.
Their emissaries were killed and eaten.
in my universe there are elves that are similar to the bow and arrow toting,
sword wielding, long haired and pointy eared variety, the one I’m focused on
here is the ones on the planet TIR, on a continent which was called Valinor
after the lands in Lord of the Rings.
Elves are modern, well, futuristic really. Advanced as they always were, their
weapons of choice are just as deadly as they had always been, mixed with magic
and skilled metal craft.
are still haughty and wear much the same clothing as they always had, but their
cities and towns are more along the futuristic element. They sometimes look
down on the likes of the Fae.
genderless race, from LIXAUR who give birth during their female stage, which
occurs after they reach 18 years (Earth Time). After this they lay eggs every
five years.
Eslix are yellow in colour with three fingers and toes, suction cups on each of
the fingers and toes. Forked tongue and log tail. They have a cobra like head
complete with hood. Their eyes are a light green colour. They blink slow. They
hiss when they talk.
F is for...
Fae are fairies, but more like elven fairies, they can shrink, or grow. Like
their elven kin they can also fight with blades, bows and staffs. These Fae
also know magic and aren’t afraid to use it. Their ears are a little pointy,
and their wings shrink down when they are ‘human’ sized and taller.
blood is much sought after by the Vampires, who on many of their own worlds
that also had Fae, have managed to make them extinct, one or two worlds still
have Vamps and Fae on them, the Fae are not free, being kept as ‘special’ food.
are species who have gone wild and rouge, usually out just for themselves and
surviving for themselves. Not just used on vamps, werewolves and other
animalistic creatures, also used to refer to human and humanoids.
Ferog are the second race from BASITI and while they do appear cat like, have
hair and not fur. Their facial features are more human and are quite
reminiscent of pirates.
wear their hair in a point in the front and loads of plaits in the back. They
wear a golden ring in their ears. They suffer from Glass Jaw syndrome (punch
them in the jaw and they go down like a tonne of bricks. Unlike the peaceful
other race, the Ferog like to fight, and will start one at the drop of a hat.
G is for...
Steampunk Goblins of Galc Martoc are about three-foot-high, long pointed ears,
mottled green and brown skinned, dark wiry hair. They wear steampunk clothing
and cover their eyes with special glasses when in proper light. They live under
a long dead volcano in a city that is reminiscent of Victorian cities all over
the known and unknown dimensions.
Nelongre, when it was diagnosed as a dying world, its people split off into two
groups, one the Ongrei stayed on the planet to try and save it, the others the
Grei left. They lived in space stations above their once home world, and then
eventually, took off into space. The ships they used were called ‘Star
GREI are slightly built, living most of their lives for generations in space,
they have also developed flight bands that allow them to levitate on any world.
They also must take special meds when going planet side.
space stations are called Flam, Derth, Wal and Her, later joined by Dit and
Spe, with plans for another two which will be called Zo and Leve. Over the years
the original four were expanded upon as well as more stations built in other
universes as halfway points seven in total, called Perw, Tinl, Lor, Sen, Ert,
RO, and Viv.
H is for...
are these are half wolf, with half vamp, or half gorgon, half ogre, you get the
idea. While these are frowned on a Volf or a feral is even more so and
considered way down the pecking order.
are worlds in my universe where Hybrids are the sole occupants due to the
wiping out of the original pairing’s.
Anoes, they love weapons, learning from the tender age of five how to fight and
use them, they are prized in armies and as assassins. This is another world of
equality, males and females work side by side, and sometimes against each
other. They don’t see a difference; both are fully trained to the extent of
their abilities.
young are not conceived in the human sense of the world, when a couple want to
mate, they pick an egg donor, and a sperm donor, then mix and wait for six
months till the off spring has been ‘born’ usually in a special ‘hospital’.
on Anoes, even janitors have been trained to wield weapons, life is dangerous,
don’t piss off an Anoes.
they are so weapon orientated, they are also one of the races that creates a lot
of weapons for other races in the universe.
I is for...
Inari come from INARI, a water world, these beings have gills, fins and
sometimes even fish tails. They communicate via high pitched sounds.
is a world of sea, stormy in sections, calm in others. It can be shallow, or it
can be bottomless. There are many creatures that live in the waters, but the
Inari are the main sentient beings.
tend to set up together, siblings and such a short distance from the main
parental units. They work together, the idea that ‘it takes a whole village to
raise a child’ is practiced here.
around them is useful to them, they waste nothing, and keep their waters safe.
Explorers have travelled there, and most have not travelled back.
bald headed, muscular beings. Prized for their hand to hand combat abilities.
Top over eight feet tall, home world is called IRIC, it’s in a distant
universe. Its people are very tech savvy but have found that playing dumb often
works in their favour.
world has been on the slaver routes for generations, crooked politicians have
greased the hands of those slavers and fed them the various codes and routes
passed their defences.
J is for...
hail from JERMAT. Blue eyes, no dark pupils, green skinned. They are chameleons
with the ability to blend into the background. They can grow to about
ten-foot-tall; they view six feet as small. They are quite muscular in build
long feet and hands.
sexes talk with deep resonant voices. All Jermatai are born with flat noses,
they are very loyal and great hunters.
younglings they are removed from their parents at six cycles and separated into
camps for male and female. These are clan run, and the Jermatai leave when they
are fifteen going into positions within the clan that they have shown most
skill at during their time in the camp. Friends made here are friends for life.
the planet MOR the Jesok are one of three races the second of which are called
KIB and the third are called the Rouse. The Jesok live in the mountains of this
region, they can climb like billy goats, and even have the cloven hooves to
prove it. Their fingernails are very strong, and they use them when climbing
and fighting. They also have wiry tails that help them balance and can hang
onto stuff as well.
wear clothing that allows them to move easily, but also keep them warm in the
highest parts of the mountains. Their shoes are soft soled, but strong and
Jesok live in caves, they keep warm using braziers that burn a turf like
substance, along with a glowing blue rock that gives off enormous heat. Their
young are taught to climb as soon as they learn to crawl (it’s learnt even
before walking). As infants and over great distances, the little ones are
strapped into a back sling.
K is for...
of three races on MOR the first being the JESOK, and the third being the Rouse.
Unlike the Mor they live in the air, building floating cities, staying well
clear of the land and the goat like Jesok who live in the mountains.
Kib are tech savvy, which is how they managed to build such gleaming cities
dotted around the skies. They have also invented a ‘ALS’ craft that can go from
the sky through to the sea.
are bug like creatures, they have four legs at the rear of a bulbous lower
body, which is joined to a bulbous upper body by two rings. The Kirium have
four upper arms, each of these has pinchers attached. They have another two
rings attaching the upper body to the tear drop head, which has bulbous eyes
that allows them to see all around them and through things as well, two antenna
are attached to their heads allowing them to read signals from afar and a mouth
that has pincer like mandibles.
Kirium have wings, four in total (much like a moth or butterfly), which are
transparent, and can move around to help them change direction, and stop when
needed. Their bulbous bodies have spinner and slime spinners.
Rings appear at each of the creature’s joints, this allows the creatures limbs
etc., to move in all directions.
L is for...
have the control of all kinds of light. Their world has three Suns and six
moons, light is literally everywhere. They wear special suits that allow them
to control their core temperature, so that they don’t freeze to death, and
don’t accidently kill people using their bodies.
humanoid bat like creature, from PLINA. They walk on two legs and uses its
wings to fly as well. There are arms and claw like hands in the wings. Some
have fuzzy faces, some bare. They have small black eyes, and their ears are
varying sizes depending on their clans.
do wear clothing, much akin to the humanoids that landed on their world when it
was still in its infancy. They have sharp little teeth and tend to like their
food practically raw.
the bats they resemble, their speech is a series of clicks and beeps that are
far above ‘human’ hearing range. A good deal of the Lisplina wear glasses.
M is for...
Mipafiain are very tall all reaching over six feet. They are blue skinned,
Those with hair have dark blue almost black plaits that are evenly placed along
the top of her head, and come down into dreads at the base of her skull for six
inches, others choose to wear their hair un braided, or shaven skulls.
have pointed ears, and due to evolution as telepaths, no mouth. Those who deal
with off worlders wear voice modulators as they found out the hard way, that
worlds with ‘speakers don’t like it when they use their telepathy.
Martouk have four arms, two legs, horns and the warriors class have red eyes,
while the ruling class have golden eyes. They have tried to take over the known
dimensions several times and been beaten back.
are vicious, not one bit of their technology is their own. They are breed in
pods or clans, encouraged to fight each other until the strongest emerge. Most
pods / clans are conscripted into the Kings service, either as fighters, or to
fill other menial jobs.
N is for...
hairy, red eyed, pointy eared, double horned eight feet tall. There aren’t many
of the original race left, but knowing they were going extinct, and that they
could no longer procreate (which is why they are going extinct), they created Android
creatures to carry on their race, for every Nabrack, there are five Androids
that look like them.
have worked alongside the Martouk, to take over the dimensions, and they have
also attempted such a feat on their own. They were unsuccessful during both
(eradicating much needed flesh and bone Nabrack while they were at it).
race at one stage was humanoid, they lived and worked on and under the world
NARI’s surface. But they ended up adoring technology so much that instead of
building and living within the confines of Androids, they evolved into the
actual computer networks themselves.
the first peoples arrived on Nari, they thought it deserted, empty buildings,
and bare land retaken by nature. They discovered later when they tried to move
colonists into it, that it was already inhabited.
did not go well, the computer people didn’t appreciate being murdered, even if
the ones doing the murdering didn’t understand what they were doing until it
was explained to them, forcefully.
O is for...
second inhabitants of Nelongre, they are the ones that stayed behind on the
surface and worked hard to bring their world back from the brink of destruction
using tech and magic. The ones that left remained in space to protect the world
as the Ongrei worked to save it.
used a mix of magic and tech to re-launch their world, it now has stringent
safeguards, and peaceful towns and (small) cities that hark back to the
medieval time period on earth.
the surface of the planet, however, are more modern dwellings, computerised
surveillance and jails. Off worlders really don’t want to end up here. This
world has earned the status of a neutral world, and they will fight you for to
retain that right.
like beings, from TANBLOC, they float around the place, and their world is
block like, everything is square, and square edged. Their buildings are square
edged, and even the tears that they cry are square edged. They have faces, and
square edged arms, legs, hands, feet, hair, clothing and food.
P is for...
are flame like Aliens, they are almost always on fire. Their world is fiery as
well. They have five suns, and only one moon. The plants and animals on this
world are all fireproof.
Panoc find it difficult to live anywhere other than their own world, they have
developed suits capable of containing their fire in order to meet with other
beings, and suits for other beings to wear when coming to meet them.
air creatures with butterfly wings, strange scrunched up faces, bright jewel
like eyes, tiny thin bodies, light and airy, they wear wispy clothing, and have
no inhibitions. They live in the trees, up at the utmost branches they have
built cities. They sleep in leaves and in flowers.
original visitors to this world thought of them as fairies, but that would be
true only if you believe in the original fairy legends. They are fighters,
temperamental, argumentative, and killers.
Q is for...
of Quantum orgins, they exist as energy, and can either be dangerous or non.
Again, a world that was thought uninhabited, and later to be found teaming with
quantum life.
are a race of beings who live on Quillor. This is a tiny world, with shard like
debris floating all around it, which gave it its name, and kept it safe from
marauding aliens, and later found out to be there on purpose.
quill is a small race of being, appearing quite timid, they are peach coloured,
with lemon hair, and pale green eyes. They don’t fight, as they are also
fragile beings, and fighting means death so it isn’t done unless it’s for a
quite serious reason.
R is for...
Rangorliori, are from Rangor, their world has been used as a Galactic dump for
years. Several portals from various worlds are linked to land masses on this
planet. The Rangorliori collect the scrap, grade it and sell it to anyone who
wants to buy it.
is one of the worlds that has open borders and access to all beings across all
are the third race who inhabit the planet MOR, the first being JESOK are one of
three races the second of which are called KIB.
Rouse live in the sea, they have gills, and fins, they have built underwater
cities, and have built methods for the other two races to visit them safely for
trade and to stay.
in their cities have been made specifically for air breathers, and with the use
of special breathing devices, they can move around with ease, and when retro
fitted can be made as air breathers to allow air breathers into water filled
S is for...
like creatures from SERBER, a world Twined with TIGEIR. They are like the
TIGEIR in the way that they are peaceful on the one hand, and violent on the
other, it does not take much to set them off, anything can do it.
are the security division of the T.G. Creatures created back when the Martouk
had tried to take over the known dimensions and the T.G. were born. They move
and operate in the shadows.
race of beings who are humanoid in perception, but have no defined features,
they attempt to look more humanoid like, but never quite pull it off, there is
always something a little off about them. Their touch can cause pain if they
wish it.
live within the T.G. headquarters, in the very basement, having set up their
own equivalent of the T.G. council, they rule over their own.
T is for...
Thumaisians from Thumsai tore their world apart using Nuclear type weapons. It
was on this world that Dyre Griffenwood the person that had originally brought
together the Transdimensional Guardians died in rather suspicious
was a bombing, and not only was Dyre killed, but also the negotiating team.
Tigeirie are a cat like creature from TIGEIR twin world to SERBER. They are on
the one hand a war like nation, and on the other a peace-loving civilisation.
Dual natured, changing in the beat of a heart.
U is for...
Ulorti are a bird like nation, with massive wings, and bird like feet. Their
hands also have sharp talons. They build nests in the mountains, some smaller
sections build their nests in the trees, whole villages.
are beautiful multicolored beings, and sing with amazing voices.
is a race of beings from UPORTA, a world whose people are superbeings, and no
one bats an eye to it. The strangest thing would be a non-powered person being
on that world, that is what some beings (as they are in the minority) hide.
V is for...
Valenturians come from a world called VALLICA and are a race of natural
healers. They can reach heights of about six feet tall. Their hair is long and
black coloured, which they do not cut as is dictated in their religious tomes.
are to be considered the better half of the race. Their eyes are a deep purple
colour, their faces are long and narrow, their lips are light blue, their noses
are large and hawk like. There are no eyelashes, or eyebrows. The males are not
known to have ever grown moustaches or beards.
tall, around seven foot, with long purple hair and blood red skin. Claws,
fangs. This race is known for being bad tempered. Anything can set them off,
and it’s best to avoid them if their skin is of a heightened colour.
are just as nasty in my universe as they are in others, they kill as they
please as much for fun as for food. There are whole worlds where they are the
chief being, and then there are other worlds where they are still in hiding.
are a breed of half Vampire crossed with a half werewolf, who are smarter,
faster, stronger than the Vampires and Werewolf’s on their home world. These
are usually frowned upon, considered to be just above a feral, but under a
hybrid. When it does happen, these creatures are conscripted into Security and
Militia, they are unwaveringly loyal, unless of course they have no master.
These creatures are stubborn and have a tendency towards anger
are led by a Volf called Nira and her mate Deacon. Nira was caught in an
explosion that changed her DNA, she now has the ‘Cross of Life’ infused in her,
along with fey blood. It makes her even more powerful than the highest wolf or
vamp. Silver, garlic, and the usual modes of killing volfs don’t count with
and Deacon are working towards creating a world where everyone can work in
peace together. A substitute food source for Vamps has been found, it is
sustainable and does the same for them as regular human blood does.
W is for...
are an extremely powerful race of beings, living in crystal like cities. They
can change the shape and structure of things around them, but not their own.
They are advanced and intelligent.
have their own worlds, where they rule supreme. Packs roam these worlds and
they have their own leaders who are all under a higher up leader.
is one world that has Nine High Clans, smaller clans fall in under them. The
leaders of those clans meet on a frequent basis and oversee everything.
wolves can retain their wolf form as long as they want to. They also keep their
mental abilities.
are from WINEULLO, they are Green scaly skinned, long tongues, orange eys,
small hard fins on their backs, and some rising out from the centre of their
come from a world that kidnaps beings to take part in some of their many games
that they have on their world to keep their people entertained.
participants don’t always survive, those that do have their minds wiped and
forced into miniscule labour.
users, who have their own worlds as well as existing on worlds with other
magickal beings. They use magic in their everyday worlds, some even fly on
broomsticks, others do not need to.
use cauldrons, herbs, and rhyming spells. They talk to animals, and dryads as
well as other beings.
X is for...
time travelling race of beings, that like to pop forwards and backwards along
their and other beings’ timelines. This is helped by the fact that they are
shape changers, and therefore can blend in with the people they are
are known for writing ‘THE’ definitive historical bible of the known and
unknown universes and its peoples.
small, have four legs, and four arms, their bodies are long, their eyes are fly
like, their bodies are joined by a small joint in the middle. They creep rather
than walk up right.
homes are in the forests, within the actual trees themselves, they are still at
the bronze age stage.
of four races from MORSPETH. The other three races are Bzain, Ozain and
Morsepethian. The Yanu are broad shouldered, blue skinned, with large scale’s
that protrude from their limbs when they feel like they are about to attacked.
Their hair stands up straight, rod straight on their heads and it’s red, their
faces open up in four directions, and they have two sets of feelers on them,
their ears are protected by sharp scales, as are their eyes.
beings have four eyes, three horns on their heads (centre one is wider than the
other two). They are pink skinned, with fine yellow hair that is straight, and
red eyes.
warrior race, they dress in war garb on a constant basis.
like creatures, they can come together and do a power ranger type of larger
being to fight their foes. They are sentient machines.
is another four armed Alien, this one has flat black hair, and a triangle
shaped head, with one massive Red eye in the centre of it’s face, their skin is
orange, and their hands are more pincher like than hand like.
dress in green robes and brown boots. Their eye can see infrared, ultraviolet
and x-rays.
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