Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!
Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer - aim for a dozen new people each time - and return comments. This group is all about connecting!
May 1 Optional Question - How do you deal with distractions when you are writing? Do they derail you?
I'm going with the optional question here, as I've just had a month of distractions, between family arriving from overseas, and the A to Z Blogging Challenge (both enjoyed E Mense Ly) I found myself chasing my tail constantly and having to schedule posts (especially weekends). I got a little of the editing that I'm supposed to be doing done.
Then there's this morning, all four drawers from the chest of drawers are clean, washed and drying as is the shell interior. I've added three items to my 'A2Z of Mystical Items in my Dimensions' folder on the computer. I've done no editing as off 1.23 in the afternoon, but I do have a clean chest of drawers, a wash dried, and one in the machine about to go into the dryer and had a lovely lunch.
I still haven't figured out how to add knitting, crochet, sewing, and jewellery fixing / making into my daily routine, every time I think I have it, it doesn't work, or something comes up and life gets in the way. I mean five minutes ago I moved all my saved country albums on Spotify to a 'A Wild Country Women's Album' and am presently enjoying the music playing as I type. I love American Country and some Irish as well. I grew up hearing it in the house as dad loved it and played it constantly. If I close my eyes I can smell the fresh air, and see the light flickering on my inner lids as he drove us to or from someplace we travelled to during summer months, I can smell his aftershave, and hear him and mom talk, as well as us kids making mischief.
I digress,
So yes, distractions can be derailing for me, but the thing is, I go with it and always come back to doing what I have set out to do, that's the beauty of being an Indie Writer who publishes her own books with whatever platform she can get her mitts on. Distractions can be fun, unless you are in the zone, then they are just plain annoying...reminds me, gotta go take the dog out for a piddle...laters...
Happy IWSG Day! Going with it is sometimes all you can do. As you said, if you love it you'll get back there eventually and that is the MAJOR plus of being an Indie Writer. We make our own deadlines and timelines. Good luck with everything!
ReplyDeleteThanks Joyana, and good luck to you as well.
DeleteNow you've got me longing for another trip to Ireland (first trip was to Dingle. Sigh . . .). Path of least resistance got me through early child rearing years i.e. while they were napping, playing, watching favorite TV shows or at school. Then, computer off and they got all my attention.
ReplyDeleteI so know what you mean, when mine were all wee, I couldn't wait till they went to bed to get writing, or sometimes, when they were quiet watching TV I'd get some work done. They were great kids, and they are awesome adults.
DeleteI had to laugh at the Spotify distraction. I have many playlists and I've used (wasted) so much of my writing time to get songs dowloaded and put into into categories. I just recently learned to love country music. I was a music snob until my boyfriend started playing country videos on YouTube. My favorite singer is Toby Keith. Can't look at a red solo cup without singing .
ReplyDeletelol, I have soooo many playlists.
DeleteI like your last line, that distractions are fine unless you're in the zone. That's me exactly.
ReplyDeleteThanks for dropping by Karen, hope you have less distractions
DeleteI tried using Spotify but got so defundled I gave it up. I have a Sirius XM that gives me 100s of channels. I'm happy. Which reminds me, Happy IWSG Day!
ReplyDeleteHappy IWSG day to you as well Joylene
DeleteWhen I'm in the zone, distractions mostly go away--or maybe then they are only interruptions. BTW, it looks like you've been entering each month's post on the list. Instead, you need to enter the blog's generic URL, and that will stay for all time :) (unless you stop participating).
ReplyDeleteI think I have, I may have misread it lol. I was wondering why it kept disappearing. LOL,
DeleteSometimes those detail things need doing. Glad you had a good visit with family.
ReplyDeleteThanks Alex, and yes, sometimes they do.
DeleteTWW, I loved what you wrote about your father. You make him come alive to me. When you are responsible for a home some things just have to be done. If I break from writing to do one of those chores, I return to writing refreshed. Happy May!
ReplyDeleteGood for you Fundy, thank you so much for dropping by and leaving a comment.
DeleteYeah, the dogs always win attention :-)
ReplyDeleteRonel visiting for IWSG day Adventures in Audio: An Introduction to Audio Production
Since her brother died, she's been spoilt rotten. She keeps us going.
DeleteNo dogs here, but I'd rather have distractions AND a dog to cuddle. In reality, distractions are a part of our lives, but for writers, we also have that inner voice telling us stories. So cherish every day with or without distractions, and may your writing go well!
ReplyDeleteThank you Beth, and I wish the same to you. I really wouldn't be without them, even though they drive me mad lol.