Saturday, April 10, 2021

A2Z Blogging Challenge, I is for...

Is your tense consistent?

Now this one is mainly for me, I have a habit of ‘accidently’ switching tenses when I least expect it, so for me I will have to pay attention to my work, and mark the sections in my notes as to where I do this.

 If I remove this chapter will it make a difference to my novel / plot?

If the answer is yes, then leave it be, if the answer is no, then you should delete it.

Inner Lives of the characters known:

Is the inner life of you character, their background, history, likes etc., known? Now you do not need to do long chapters, paragraphs or that on their lives, but you can drop things into your novel, like a memory regarding his or her history, hopes and dreams, nature, love life, level of intelligence, and education. It’s all part of making your characters three dimensional rather than flat.

 Imposter Syndrome:

A little word about this condition that we all suffer from, especially those in the arts, and that is the feeling that we aren’t as good as others think we are. How many times have your friends told you that your writing is awesome, or you have told a friend that their Knitted or Crocheted throw is amazing, or the artist friend who just finished a piece for ‘fun’ that they should be exhibiting, or a photographer who should be selling their prints, only to respond or be told…No way, it’s only a hobby for fun.

It’s a battle, one we all must fight and win. You are good enough, in fact, you are amazing, and so is your novel so there!

1 comment:

  1. Lots of good comments and advice for writers in this post. I've never deleted an entire chapter but I've been known to rearrange scenes and rewrite entire passages. As for the Imposter Syndrome, it only takes one or more less than stellar book reviews to cut one down to size. Harder to build confidence.


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The Insta thing, slide two...