Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Belated Insecure Writers Support Group February Post

February 7 question: What turns you off when visiting an author's website/blog? Lack of information? A drone of negativity? Little mention of author's books? Constant mention of books? 

Hey there and welcome to February's belated Insecure Writers Support Group Post. I did mean to do it, just didn't have access to a computer. Right lets get on with it...

I can't stand negativity, I've spent a lot of time trying to combat it and depression. It takes a lot of work to get to a place where you can see both and choose to be positive. I firmly believe that what you send out into the world is what you get back, so negativity breeds more negativity. I'm not saying it's easy (see beginning of the paragraph), but it is worth it. Even when you keep getting knocked back, you can choose to get up, square off and move forward. I've been lucky in life, more that anyone can know, and 
I thank the Goddess everyday for that. (climbs down from soapbox) - Sorry I got a little preachy there, so where was I...

Negativity is a turn off, lack of information on the novel, or where to get it, is a turn off. An authors website is supposed to be designed to sell books so I expect to see them advertised on there. Blogs could have information on how to write said novels, how to publish them, their journey, fave places to write, events they are attending, some workshops they would recommend...things like that as well as some amusing stories about their journey.

Well, that's it for now. See you in the next post.

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