Thursday, April 11, 2024

J is for...

 Job, side hustle or hobby?

There is an old saying that goes 'if you choose a job you love you will never work a day in your life' according to the web it was Confucius that said it, and I firmly believe it. Though some would not, as they think if you are having fun with something it isn't work, it's a hobby. You need to be earning money from what you are doing, in order for it to be a job. I get the impression that you also should be miserable and not enjoying the process. 

So, maybe writing is a side hustle until you get paid for it, then it's a job. Looking over the web writing a blog, or in a journal, or poetry that is never published is a hobby. I dunno if that is accurate, as a lot of blogs I see lately are selling you something, a fictional novel, or a workshop, or a course (longer than a workshop), or a non fictional novel. 

On those sites, fanfiction is also noted as being a hobby, as it's about someone else's characters, I think the author of Twilight and 40 Shades might argue against that idea in it's totality. Sure that's how some of us started out (SG1, Wolverine, and Mutant X), but it's not how we ended up. 

We've self - published, vanity published, and / or even been selected for traditional publishing. No matter what it is, it's all work, striving to create something that people will enjoy reading, and maybe even pay us for so that we can make a living from it. 

Here in Ireland they have managed to secure a social welfare (unemployment) payment for out of work professional writers and artists (see here) which means that maybe we're being taken seriously. 

Just Do It!!!

There is never a right time to start anything. Waiting until everything is perfect doesn't work as nothing, is perfect. YOU HEARD ME RIGHT...NOTHING! The right time to start is now. Don't put it off until you have an at home office, or the right materials. Take out a pen / pencil and a jotter, or note book, or even use your phone (have a look through the app store, there are loads of them out there that will allow you to make text notes, or bullet pointed ones).

Work with what you have, work towards what you want.

Start today, don't wait any longer.

Job / side hustle / hobby

Writing beginner

Writers Digest

Just Do It


Jennifer Louden

How do you just start writing? (9 Tips) – Create Make Write

I'm not a fan of adds or pop ups, so I apologise for any sites that I suggest that have them, you don't need to purchase anything from them. I haven't.


  1. That is so important, to just do it.

  2. Don't even get me started on jobs and side hustles. if it makes you happy you are perceived as not taking it seriously. if it makes you unhappy or worried you get patronized by others who do the same job. i write a little a day with the hopes someone somewhere will take me seriously, regardless of my emotions.

  3. Writing is definitely still in the 'side hustle' category for me after 25 years of wishing otherwise. Kudos to the Irish government for recognising writers like that, and I thought it was Aristotle who said that about '...never working a day in your life.'


Hi there, you have reached the Wicked Writer, otherwise known as Bridgina Molloy, aka abydos6, aby6 or Gina, please leave a message and I'll get right back to ya!

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