Monday, April 4, 2022

C is for...



When I was a teenager, I went to Superman (Christopher Reeve) and my brother told me how they made him fly, then we went to STAR WARS (yup all of them). These movies spurred me into creating stories and plots that I could visualize on the big screen.  

When Videos came out and my parents got one of the 'piano key' recorders and started getting videos we watched numerous movies (I couldn't watch the evil dead or exorcist). Then came DVD's and streaming services (recently) as well as still going to the cinema and watching all the fantasy and sci fi movies I can manage (namely Marvel). 

Throughout my life the many movies I've watched on TV or on the big screen have as I said before inspired me to write, or design worlds that my characters could play on and with. Some of my favorite ones are the old, old black and white ones, with Humphrey Bogart and James Cagney. I also have a copy of 'I married a witch' with Veronica Lake, and 'Arsenic and old lace' with Carey Grant.

What movies influenced you and your writing? How did your third day go.


  1. Interesting question--I've never thought of movies as an influence on my writing. If any *did* influence my writing, then I'm not sure which ones.

    1. Initially I thought the same, but then I realized, I love writing fantasy, love sci fi, and old fashioned romance and comedy. I traced these all back to the movies I watched as a kid. Ones where even some of the women didn't do the whole, 'scream, faint and oh, I need to be rescued' lol.


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MIA (missing in action)

 Due to over doing it, have to stop typing for a a bit. Will be back next week hopefully. Have posts lined up, just gotta let tumb muscle he...