Saturday, April 2, 2022

B is for...



FYI: This post may be image heavy. 

Books, one of my first favorite memories of my dad and me, I may have shared before. I am little, and we're in the library, I'm looking at all the pretty pictures on the books, and he's searching for westerns that he hasn't read yet.  We are in the local Library in Andersons Town road, and I'm in heaven. 

My dad was an avid reader, and since his passing I've gotten some of his books, my two brothers got the rest between them. For me books are an awesome font of inspiration. Seeing what other writers do with their imagination, how they make words paint pictures in my minds eye. 

Since I learned to read I've been stuck in a corner, or curled up on a sofa reading. I have a whole slew of favorite authors, two of whom got me back to reading and writing after I had a brain fart / hiccup. 

I firmly believe that for writers of all calibers and artists of all sorts, reading what other writers and artists have written helps to spark our own inspiration. Something in a novel might be useful when writing your own story. Spark an adventure, a daring escapade, a thrilling theft, death defying fantastical science fiction...

Here are some of the many books that I read growing up as a child:

Well how are you all doing with your second day?  I really enjoyed the few blogs I popped in on yesterday.  Thanks so much for the lovely comments.


  1. Most of these I've never read and some I've never heard of.

    1. Well I was a kid at the end of the 60s and in the 70s so there is that, I can recommend the David Eddings Books, I was also mad in to horses and loved the Enid Blyton books and Nancy Drew they gave my childhood wings.


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The Insta thing, slide two...