Saturday, April 10, 2021

Blogging A2Z Challenge, H is for...


Have you made it clear what your characters want?

From the guy on the street who smiles into the interview camera at the scene of a crime, to the villain of the piece, have you made sure that it is clear what the characters in your novel want?

Have editing equipment on hand:

Such as dictionaries, thesaurus, or encyclopaedias on hand, or bookmarked on your computer if you are editing on your computer or with your computer. You should also have highlighters, multi coloured index cards, spreadsheets and post its on hand depending on what method you are using for editing.

Have I included all the senses in my writing?

You need to include all the senses you can in your writing, seeing, hearing, taste, touch, smell, are they all there?

Have I covered everything that needs to be covered with the character and plot?

During this read through, make sure that you have everything in the novel pertaining to the plot and character that you need to move the story forward. If you find yourself thinking “Oh I forgot to put the trap door in earlier” make a note of it and add it in the next draft.

Have you had enough dramatic moments?

As you read through your novel, ask yourself, do you have enough dramatic moments, that can change the character through revelations? From the Hook through to the Payoff, have you succeeded in doing what you set out to do?

Have you removed all unnecessary summaries?

You know the bits you put in to explain why this is all happening, as if the reader were not paying attention…also note if you have done this…you might want to rewrite the section so it’s as clear as day.

How long should the novel be?

A novel should be about 100,00 words, most writers seem to prefer to keep all their chapters at about 5,000 words and have approx. 15 – 20 chapters. Some writers however maybe only 1,200 words long or 6,000 words long depending on the pace of the story or plot development. 

1 comment:

  1. This made me smile, because today I have added several sentences to the chapter I am editing, when I realised I had missed out an important piece of information!
    Thanks for all your hints - all very useful.


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Insecure Writers Support Group March 5 2025

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