The purpose of the Insecure writers group, is to share and encourage other writers in a safe space, regarding their songs and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. The post appears on the first Wednesday of the month.
September 1 question - How do you define success as a writer? Is it holding your book in your hand? Having a short story published? Making a certain amount of income from your writing?
Success as a writer to me is finishing the novel I am writing, self publishing, and people not only buying it but enjoying date I have only had one review, and the novel is being rewritten as I type this.
I also view my success in the fact that I am Municipal Liasion for Europe, Ireland, Galway for NANOWRIMO, and have won each year I have been part of it.
Another aspect of being a successful writer is the act of writing, sitting my butt in the chair, if even for an hour, or longer to do what I love.
Some say I will get it right, I will have awesome reviews, and fans...for now, I'm working on it, and having fun.
Good luck with the rewrite! I'm also motivated most by the idea that people will read and enjoy my writing. And yes, butt-in-chair is the only way. Good luck!