Thursday, September 16, 2021

Where do we get our ideas from....NaNo prep...

This years design is by Andrea Floren @ 
This poster is available in the NaNo Shop

Keeping up with all the prep work coming up to November, lets look at where we get ideas. For me personally my ideas can come from everywhere, from daily events, news, stories my wife tells me about uni, conversations with friends, movies, songs, and books that I've read or are reading.

1. Daily Events - while gardening you see a troop of ants marching away with one of your strawberries, that can spark an idea for a children's book, poem or animation maybe even a short story.

2. News - well the virus is everywhere, you can write about love in the age of covid, death, birth, many ways to write about it.

3. Regarding the Art Uni - a day in the life of a covid student, how they have had to work online with not great signal, also the fact that the sculpture students aren't doing sculpture as such but performance art as the person leading that course has a degree in that, also frustrations around final year BA students not being able to have their final show.

4. Conversations with friends - relationship faux pas, moving home (either a new home, or back home), coming out stories, history stories, community stories (feel good, or not so good), climate change

5. Movies, music and books - okay like ed sheerens new song, when I heard it I thought, oh that would be a cool dr Jekyll and mr Hyde video, only to find out he'd gone with a pink suited vamp...shakes head write the story of that Hyde, or a story about Hyde and a vamp arguing, or falling in there a character in a book you read that you want to know more about, well not do a fanfic novel about them, if it worked for fifty shades, then why not you, same goes for movies, if you watched something and thought, I could write better, go for it. 

NOTE: CHANGE NAMES, MAYBE EVEN PLACE case you decide to run with it.

These are only a handful of ideas on where to get your ideas...have you ever looked at a painting, or a photo and wondered about the story behind it...why not write it? It's very true what they say about reading...if you want to write, you need to read, either fiction, or non fiction (I like a mix of both), it's food for your soul, and your mind, this is what feeds you ideas, helps you to create. 

Even if you are dyslexic you can use audible, or have the love of your life read to you. There are ways and means.

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