Saturday, March 2, 2024

Review of 'The Irish Writers Handbook 2024'

 The Irish Writers Handbook, published by 'Books Ireland' in 2023, in Dublin, Ireland and edited by Ruth McKee. It contains a series of Essays, divided into several sections. The sections include, but are not limited to: Craft (fiction and non fiction); Pitches; writing Life; Poetry; Childrens Books; Drama as well as a directory of many, many helpful resources. Each essay was written by dedicated writers in that area.

This is the second edition of this writing craft book, which cliams to be 'A Guide To Everything An Irish Writer Needs To Know' (so says the front cover), and while it is a font of worthwhile information in paperback size,on many aspects of the craft of writing it has left out speculative fiction.This over sight could be forgiven as a large ammont of of the information can be used across many genres.

I would recommend that when you sit down to read this book you do so with pencil and paper, or simply make out notes in the pages of the book. My own edition is covered in pencil lines and notes. All this served to help change my mind as after buying the book I instantly thought that it was going to be overly academic or with more of a slant towards literature. I am very happy to state that I no longer believe that.

Instead the tone, while at times can be serious, at other times its quite humerous. One of my favourite chapters is by Jamie O'Connell called 'The Seven Stages Of Writing Fiction', which talks about amongst other things, how when on the process of creating your story, you can get lost in it. This resonated with me as I've missed bus and train stops while lost in Imaginary worlds. 

Other favourite chapters, where the ones that outlined the processes of doing things like getting an agent, publisher and even a book launch. Which makes it well worth the 20euros spent in O'Mahonys, Bookshop, Limerick. 

My overall impression is that this book is well worth purchasing for any writers or authors out there for even just the directory alone. Just bare in mind that speculative fiction isn't includeded this time around. I look forward to next years edition, and give this book a solid 8 out of 10.



Hi there, you have reached the Wicked Writer, otherwise known as Bridgina Molloy, aka abydos6, aby6 or Gina, please leave a message and I'll get right back to ya!

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