Friday, March 29, 2024

Some Questions for Writers pinched from Karen Jones Blog called Coming Down the Mountain.

The Following Questions were pinched from Coming Down the Mountain ( who happens to be doing the A to Z blogging challenge this year, I thought they were so good, that I'd pinch them and ask them here.

Here are a few questions I'd like to ask every writer:

1. Are you excited about the idea of people reading your work, or would you rather keep it private?

2. Do you have an audience in mind when you write?

3. Have you always wanted to write a book?

4. If you have written your book, do you feel satisfied with it or discouraged and disappointed?

5. How many forms of writing do you like to do? For example, journaling, poetry, blogging, fiction, personal stories or memoir?

6. Is your voice the same regardless of the format?

7. If you have published a book, what do you think determines how well it sells?

8. How do you feel about critical reviews? Do you shrug and move on or do you feel devastated by them?

9. Do you feel that book publishing only counts if it's done in a certain way, such as through an agent or a particular publishing company?

10. I know that other writers as well as avid readers are interested in these kinds of questions and answers. I'd love to see the return of the writer blogs--the ordinary ones, not the professional or monetized ones, wouldn't you?

And if anyone reading this post is a writer, I'd love to see your responses to this list of thought questions!

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