Monday, March 25, 2024

Blogging from A to Z April Challenge Reveal 2024

 Hello everyone, how you all doing, well it's that time of year again, when we look forward to posting in our blogs during the A 2 Z blogging challenge. I've been doing this roughly as long as it's been operational, and all my blog posts are to do with the different aspects of writing. Here on my blog I have the blog entries that I've managed to keep from 2018 gathered together on their own pages, though I still have to gather up all the 2023 posts and give them their own page as well.

The point of today's post is to announce what I'll be blogging about this year, so without further AH DO, lets get on with the announcement....

I will be writing about the business of being a writer. Lately with one grammar mistake ridden novel self published (Capitals are just the worst), and two novels in the process of having them edited out, and prepped for publishing, I became very interested in the actual business of being an author. I've read several craft books on it both trad published, and ebook form, along with browsing several websites regarding the subject and it's clear as really...I think I got the hang of it, why not stop by the blog and find out during April? We start on the 1st, which is funnily enough a Monday, and the day after Easter Sunday, so there will be chocolate involved...well for me lol.

Alright, I got to finish off filling out the form, so I'll see ye all then. 

Love and bubbles.

The wicked writer...


  1. Fantastic! I am really looking forward to it.
    Tim Brannan | The Other Side A to Z of Dungeons & Dragons

  2. It's a challenging and ever-changing business, so I wish you all the luck in your publishing journey. I'll be stopping back by!

  3. I will be stopping by to check out your A to Z.

  4. This sounds so interesting. I'm a one-time self-published author, but I plan to self publish more book, so I can't wait to read our challenge :-)

  5. Yes, capitals can be a pain, but they can be fun, too.


Hi there, you have reached the Wicked Writer, otherwise known as Bridgina Molloy, aka abydos6, aby6 or Gina, please leave a message and I'll get right back to ya!

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