Thursday, March 21, 2024

Irish Writers Centre, Day trip

On Saturday the 9th of March 2004, I got up at an ungodly hour and got ready to head to Dublin in order to get to the Irish Writers Centre for their open day. This for me was the first time in a long time that I'd been going somewhere completely on my own. My wife got me up and got me breakfast, she and Freya brought me to Nenagh train station, and in the dark we waited on a very chilly platform as we waited for the train to arrive. 

I should have taken a photo of the station, as I was disgusted to find that we were expected to wait on a freezing cold platform, outside a beautiful old building that is being let fall to wreck and ruin. Posters outside showed what it used to be like (the platform not the interior). 

Now I am aware that a lot of stations have platforms and no building, but wouldn't you think that a place that has a lovely old building would at least modernise the platform end so that customers could remain in the warmth until the train arrived. 
They don't even have ticket units.

By the time I arrived in Dublin it was daylight (around 9.50), and I made my way from the train the whole way up the platforms to the main building, where I got a magazine in the tiny Eason's, then found my way around to where the taxis were waiting for passengers. 

The driver brought me to Parnell Square, and charged me 12 euros for the journey. I do like visiting Dublin and while I am looking for a place in a town, living in Dublin would totally be beyond me, even though I did spend time in New York.

I was greeted by two members of the IWC, and ended up in the main room downstairs, with a cup of coffee while I waited for the events to begin. 

I didn't even mind the stairs, as I'd been well warned that the stunning old building had no lifts, or disability access.

The day flew by, the staff were amazing and the talks even more so. I attended everything I wanted to attend, but was surprised to find that the events programming person, and one or two others aren't actually writers. But I guess if they were they wouldn't have time for all the things that they would be required to do. 

I enjoyed the Sci - Fi workshop and thank the presenter John Kenny for the character bio page. I also enjoyed finding out more about the Novel Fair. 

I also became a member.

What intrigues me at the moment is that they are looking for a writer to be on the board, unfortunately I can't do it as they meet in the evening on a Wednesday pity.

When the day was done, and feeling a little sore and exhausted, I got a taxi to Heuston train station, where I grabbed a coffee and got back on the train, where I relaxed listening to some Pratchett. 

At Ballybrophy, where the train changes, I had to cross the bridge using the elevator, now it worked out okay, but I wasn't aware of this, and had to rush, which didn't do my back and left hip any good. I was so relieved to get back on the train and relax until we reached Nenagh Station again.

The train arrival was 15 min late in Nenagh, and my wife and dog were waiting for me, it was funny as both of us are laid up at the moment, she with her knee (muscle and ligaments) and me with lower back and left hip since the right one was done in September.

I was so tired from the days events that I slept soundly from 9pm that night, through to 10 the next day.

Funny story, I left 'Reaper' (Death takes a holiday, and people stop dying) a discworld novel as a 'date with a book', and I got 'The Science of Discworld' back. don't you just love coincidences. I'm looking forward to going back up again soon, maybe not to the IWC, maybe this time to MOLi.

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