Wednesday, March 6, 2024

The Insecure Writers Support Group March 2024 post


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Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer - aim for a dozen new people each time - and return comments. This group is all about connecting!

This Months Question Is: Have you "played" with AI to write those nasty synopses, or do you refuse to go that route? How do you feel about AI's impact on creative writing?

I'm not a fan of the use of AI in creative pursuits, I've read and seen enough sci - fi and Fantasy shows to know that one day, all this "making computers think for themselves and gain sentience" will result in the human race being handed a bill for the theft of work created by said sentient beings, ancestors. 

I also think it's a lazy way to do things, I mean you don't have to create the world your characters are living in, you don't have to try and imagine them, the only skills you need is to input information to a computer and sit back to wait for it to make it and hand it to you via the printer. 

Then there is the fact (it is at the moment at least), that Creative endeavours from AI are full of errors, while it is proving to be getting better and harder to tell, each drawing will have extra fingers, or the legs going the wrong way, or a badge in the wrong place. As for the writing end of things, grammar, and other technical aspects of what we do aren't quite right along with spelling mistakes. 

I think it's a kind of plagiarism, as the AI machine doesn't quite understand how plagiarism works, it may be using other authors, artist's and other creatives works to create this piece you've asked it for. I believe that it will make us lazy, and take away the knowledge that creatives have to 'work' at creation. Kinda like being coeliac and having chefs in cafes and restaurants, and other food providers thinking that its a fad diet and you've jumped on the bandwagon, instead of an actual immune disease.

There maybe a time when there is no choice to use the AI created material, but right now isn't it. I for one will be staying as clear from it as I can possibly be. 



  1. Long live the human resistance. :) Yep, from the amount of wrong grammar suggestions, I'm not putting a lot of faith in the current state of AI, but I'm not looking forward to it gaining any vast improvements either.

  2. I absolutely agree! Your comments are very on point with the concerns, problems, and quality AI poses for the craft of writing. Thanks for being one of those that still want to create their own work!

  3. If we hate bots, Captcha, and finding all of the bicycles or cars... then we need to be consistent and dislike AI. It seems like an invasion that may forever thwart writers' best efforts to be creative and in control -

  4. I feel like we are living in science fiction.

  5. Plagiarism has been mentioned many times today. Legally, they need to get a handle on that and soon.

  6. I am with you on AI! Well said! I hope that you have enjoyed IWSG Day!

  7. One of the unexpected up-sides of the output of these AI tools is that the work they produce can't be copyrighted. So if someone uses ChatGPT to plagiarize your work, you can turn around and take that artificially-generated work and do whatever you want with it, legally. That's a good way to turn the tables on the copyright thieves.


Hi there, you have reached the Wicked Writer, otherwise known as Bridgina Molloy, aka abydos6, aby6 or Gina, please leave a message and I'll get right back to ya!

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