Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Insecure Writers Support Group April Posting

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer - aim for a dozen new people each time - and return comments. This group is all about connecting!

This Months Question Is: 

How long have you been blogging?

 (Or on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram?) 

What do you like about it and how has it changed?

I've been blogging for years (on and off) I started on Live Journal (well a couple of forums before I found that one), and bebo...from the days of dial up internet (remember that?). I love blogging, I'm not that good at it (well I'm never sure if I'm doing it right). 

I've been on FB since the beginning (it took over from bebo), and I don't like the changes that have occurred, too many adds and I can't see the people and pages I want to see. Instagram is going the same way, and don't get me started on X (the site that used to be known as twitter) I feel like I'm just talking into the void. I think I have a Tumblr account, but haven't used it in a while. I like Pinterest, but it's even changing now and getting annoying with all the 'this post is like one you've saved' crap. I'm not a fan of the changes, they tell you if you don't like them, then pay for it...whose got that kind of money, I'm already paying for Audible, Amazon Prime, Disney +, and Canva...they all seem like little chunks of cash that you won't even miss but let me tell you, the above adds up to approx. 30 euros a month, that's a whack, what with half private rental, recycling, and half a car to take care of as well on Invalidity pension...tis not easy.

Fair enough that there is no such thing as a free lunch, but it's all about making money now, even courses with writers, creative writing courses, workshops and signings are all becoming about making money. How's a writer supposed to learn their trade (yes grafting I am aware of), but charging a few hundred for a couple of days, when people have to get the train / bus / petrol for the car, maybe a taxi or two, and buy their own lunch, I mean at least have a reduced cost for disabled and unemployed...

Can you tell that it's a bane of mine, that and some writers telling you that their course isn't good for you anyway, as they are Crime writers and  not Sci Fi / Fantasy...well sweetheart, my books are not all about dragon shifters and floating in bloody space avoiding Alien / Predator type of critters, no mine actually do involve crime, murder and thrills, so get off your bloody high horse and let me book the feck in, and while I'm blowing off steam, it's not all about kiddies wanting to learn to write, some of us older folk need a hand as well, don't write us off (see what I did there) because we're 50+, we've still got years of books in us, give us some freebies as well. Oh and we don't all want to write memoirs or chick lit (do they still call it that?).

*phew* (takes a couple of breaths).

Apologies, not only is my post late, but it's also annoyed. I was saying, I'm not a fan of the changes on Social Media, or the fact that it would appear that some writers don't like to help other writers up by having a reduced payment for their classes, or even donating free time. 

Now, I really must get down of that soap box and get back to the two novels I'm editing...




  1. Rant accepted - there's no fear in the blogosphere!

  2. Soapbox and rant accepted. Social media is exhausting and constantly changing. And it does feel often like just shouting into the void. I also feel you on the constant courses and need to be commercial. I coach authors, but that's why I try and keep it personal and individualized to actually treat authors as people and meet their needs rather than just as another opportunity to be a number paying money. It all adds up and I hear you on all the nickel and diming adding up to just maintain a platform. It's tough to be a writer or anyone trying to eke out a living online these days.

  3. Hi TWW! Thanks for blowing off all that steam. I often feel frustrated by similar things, so I felt relief reading your post. Wishing you a happy, creative and less maddening April!

  4. Yep. It all adds up. And the stupid ad nonsense on every social media site is annoying as can be too. Get maybe one post and 10 ads.

  5. So many changes, and not all for the better.
    I prefer attending free webinars (there's usually a sales pitch for the course they're offering in the end, but the content's still good) and listening to podcasts to learn new things. The Self-publishing show with Mark Dawson and James Blatch is good, so is the Creative Penn Podcast by Joanna Penn.

    Ronel visiting for IWSG day Character Choices


Hi there, you have reached the Wicked Writer, otherwise known as Bridgina Molloy, aka abydos6, aby6 or Gina, please leave a message and I'll get right back to ya!

The Insta thing, slide two...