Tuesday, April 16, 2024

N is for....

 Nom de Plume

Or as it's better known, a pen name or pseudonym, is basically using another name in place of your own. These are used if a writer is writing Romance after being an academic writer, or writing Fantasy after writing True Crime novels, or erotica after writing Thrillers. Simply put, if you don't want to use your own name for whatever reason, you choose a Nom de Plume (or name of the pen).

When choosing if you want to do this, make sure you know the laws around publishing under another name, and ensure that whatever banking institute you are using knows that it's you (look into this legally). I'm not sure of anything really to do with this as I've decided to use my own name. 

I'm going to list a few blogs and sites to help us both discover more about this part of the Authors Business, note of caution, please ensure before doing so, that it's okay where you are.

Note Book (Authors)

Authors tend to have a lot of notebooks lying around doing nothing, and hey, they are all stunning, and the paper is just amazing, the lines are perfectly spaced, or totally blank pages. The covers speak to us of promised works of amazingness, and yet when we want to write something, we leave them empty on the shelves because we can't bare to mark them, or break their spine. 

Some writers only use laptops, or phone apps so may not know what I speak off, which makes me a little sad as all those poor trees died for nada. 

Anyhoo, I digress (again).

Notebook, the one that Authors use, is the place that you keep all your notes in. Everything from your latest idea (if you don't use folders to keep them in alphabetical order), names of characters, names of towns and what they look like, ideas to put in your next novel, or the one you are writing, how the heroines journey works, genres...everything that is worth noting in various sections. 

These are two images of my writers Notebook, it's thick with lots of pages in it, that I took out of two old books and that I self bound (not very well) into this one book. I love it and need to schedule time to add more notes into it.

Some writers keep separate notebooks, each one with titles such as 'Names for Novels' or 'Names for characters' or 'Plot Ideas' or 'How to Tackle Writers Block' and 'marketing plan'. Others will keep these as folders on their computer, in a larger folder titled 'Authors Online Notebook'. 

Do you have one, or several?


The Darling Axe


Invisible Ink


  1. I have a ton of notebooks! Story ideas, book review notes, to do lists, notes to myself so i don't forget...When people heard i liked to write they became a popular gift item.

  2. There are ups and downs to using pennames, it's true. Depends on where the author lives.
    Notebooks seem to be loved by most authors. I've lost quite a few in my life.

    Great post!
    “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”
    ― Robert Louis Stevenson #quote
    Hopefully you're enjoying the A to Z Challenge.

    J Lenni Dorner (he/him 👨🏽 or 🧑🏽 they/them) ~ Speculative Fiction & Reference Author and Co-host of the April Blogging #AtoZchallenge

  3. When I published my first book, I discovered there was already an author named David Cairns, so I emulated my writing hero, C.S.Lewis and opted for D.A.Cairns. I scribble notes to myself on various scraps of paper then transfer them to an electronic file. I've got a note pad but I use it for my daily devotional.


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