Wednesday, April 17, 2024

O is for...

 Organising Files

It can be as easy as the name of the novel for the main folder, then within it, one called outline, then story name draft one, then story name draft 2, then story name draft 3 etc., add in story name bad guy profiles, good guy profiles, Town bio, world bios, Aliens Bios, synopsis, cover art, marketing plan...or just as difficult.

Maybe you have a novel folder with each draft of each novel in it, maybe you have a folder with all the characters, good and bad in it, or worlds folder, Aliens folders...

Your files can be either paper (print out everything you have on computer), or just all kept in the cloud, or on a memory stick or hard drive (portable).

Paper files might be in a folder kept in a filing cabinet. Personally I like both, I have hard copies (paper) and digital (Computer, cloud and memory stick). I like to be organised, just don't look at my office it's a total mess.

Office (home)

We have touched on this earlier, a dedicated space to write, that might feasibly be called an office, isn't really a must for some writers and for others it's deadly important to have a space where you can close the door, and turn up the music (if that is your thing) then get down to the task of writing. This is where your laptop, or desktop (tower) lives. This is where your books on the art of writing live, and where you have images plastered all over the lovely painted / wallpapered walls that spur you on, quotes that inspire you are pinned to notice boards and screen risers. Notebooks reside just beside the computer, or on one of the desk shelves, at hands reach if needed as is the dictionary and thesaurus (the ones that aren't online). Favourite, but chipped cups / mugs / jars containing pens and pencils that you got all over the world that were too cute to throw away when all used up, those pretty notebooks from the previous post, the filing cabinet, pins, white out, folders...all the lovely stuff that writers just adore live here, and so do you.

Here is where you come to in the morning, afternoon, evening or dead of night to put words on paper or the computer screen. Here you are alone with your thoughts, your husband, or wife is minding the brood, now and again they might ask do you need anything, coffee, tea...a biccie, lunch or dinner (damn, did I have dinner), anyway, they are all things that the home office is, and maybe there are two of you who share it, they get it for a certain amount of time, and you get it the rest.

It isn't necessary, but it is lovely, a dedicated space, for you and your imagination. 

Do you have one?

If not, where do you write?

Organising Files

File management

Office (Home)

Do writers really need...

The Write Life

The Fussy Librarian

NY Book Editors

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