Tuesday, April 23, 2024

T is for....

 Thorny Subject of Writers Block (oooohhhh that's a slim T word).

This is something that we touched on in previous posts (imposter syndrome), but this is the one where we will look at what this is and how to treat it. I have suffered from this, it kept me from writing on and off for quite a while once or twice in my life. 

Writers Block can be caused by the previously mentioned Imposter Syndrome, or Medication, or any number of things, like writing yourself into a corner. 

The way's I've found to tackle this is this...

Sit your characters down (figuratively), and one by one, assuming the guise of a reporter or even of a cop...ask them what happened.

Sometimes if you get them to write a diary entry as well it could work.

I think basically it's you kicking your imagination into action, your characters should answer you, unless they plead the fifth or ask for a lawyer...maybe their ego will take over and they will tell you everything.

Another method is simply to write something else, put away the offending piece of writing, and focus on something else. 

This is also one reason why I like laying out my outlines, because if I get stuck here, I can make a note and go back, while continuing on with the outline as required.

The Terrific Book Blurb (yes this isn't really a T word either)

So, you have the novel written, part of your job now once you have decided to self publish, or even trad publish, is to work out what you are going to put on the back of the book, your Terrific Book Blurb or your book description.

The purpose of the Terrific Book Blurb is to gain the imagination of the reader and entice them into the book, so it's worth while getting it right. Besides the cover, this is the next most important thing besides what's between the covers.

Look at it as a marketing tool that you need to get the hang of before you publish independently or as I said earlier, go down the road of traditional publishing. I still haven't quite got it yet, but I'm learning.

Writers Block Solutions Websites:

Studio Binder

Writers Digest

Become A Writer Today

Master Class

The Terrific Book Blurb

Reedsy Blog

Oak Woods

Novel Smithy

Koto Bee Blog

Mountford Writing

First Editing

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha...yep it's a bit of a stretch for your T word, but you've presented two good topics nonetheless. I don't get writer's block... says the writer in denial. I deal with it, when I'm working on a novel, by walking away for as long as it takes for the pistons to start firing again. In the interim, I return to short story writing. I have thousands of ideas (slight exaggeration) so I'll just pick one and have a crack. That usually does the trick.


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