Wednesday, April 24, 2024

U is for...

 Upgrade When You Can...

In the beginning you will more than likely start out with free versions or online versions of most software that writers and authors use in their business, like Word, Canva, and a decent note taking device for your phone, I use a mix of color notes, google note keeper and one note (you can get one note for your phone). I recommend the note taker because most people are never without their phones, and nary a notebook or pen in sight.

As you get your books published and out into the world, you will most likely pay for upgraded versions of your best free software. I bought Scrivener after winning NaNoWriMo a couple of years back, it's a lifetime licence and if I could just get my head around using it I'd be away in a hack, but I like word. I know a lot of writers out there feel that it's too clunky, but I'm used to it, and can make my chapters separate or all in one document, with Headers (chapters) listed at the side, where I just have to click on it, to be brought to it, plus when I go to upload to Amazon there's no faffing around. It also allows me to save as PDF of any of the other extensions needed to upload to various sites. The only thing is that it is costly, and that the free version doesn't have all the bells and whistles.

Don't go buying something just for the sake of it, the internet is usually at our fingertips as well, though it  never ceases to surprise me as to how many people forget this and while they use their phone to look at FB, Insta, or even youtube, that they forget they can do a search for anything they might require, such as free apps for writing. I know that I have just spent a lovely half an hour just looking at some free software and bookmarking it for when I get some free moula to purchase. 

Also, check out the reviews on each item that you are thinking of getting, and ask around forums, message boards and websites amongst writers to see what they think of the item that you are considering. 

Unsupported / Understanding

Writing is a lonely business for most of us, we sit in quiet (or in my case music filled) rooms trying to download what's in our brains onto paper or the screen. It often doesn't work out as we thought it would, or dreamt it would, in those circumstances, we can feel like we are all alone, and unsupported. I know for a fact that it took me 50+ years to find my wife who wholly supports my work, and my wandering off to the office to write. 

She wasn't always that way, she didn't understand why I would want to spend so much time on my own, but over the years, she has come to accept it, and not bother me as much while I'm down there. I think going to uni herself and getting her BA in fine art (ceramics) helped.

If you are feeling like you have no, or little support or understanding there are a few things you can do, and some of those things might interfere with your writing time from time to time. You can join many of the groups on Face Book, or follow some of the Authors on Insta or X the site formally known as Twitter, there are also a great many writers blogs that you can follow, and interact with them. 

The thing is to remember that you aren't alone, and there is no question too daft to ask, well I lie, the question that is the the UNasked one. The only way we will learn, or gain knowledge is to ask questions, and for our mentors, and peers to be savvy enough to pass on the information we need, or guidance, or support and not play asshats at gatekeeping the knowledge for themselves. 

I believe that once we know(ish) what we are doing and have managed to get published (in whatever form) then we owe it to those coming behind us who are struggling, to offer them a hand up. There is enough room for all of us, I promise you, there is. 

Upgrade & Free

Just Publishing Advice

Reedsy Blog

Become A Writer Today

Self Publishing

The Write Practice

Understanding, / Unsupported.

Insecure Writers Support Group

A to Z Blogging Challenge

Write Edit Publish

The Writers Life


Irish Writers Centre

TCK Publishing

1 comment:

  1. writing is a lonely business, i fully agree


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Insecure Writers Support Group March 5 2025

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been thr...