Thursday, September 12, 2024

Hi there, long time no see...or rather write...

Hey there, how is everyone doing. 

I'm so sorry for not staying in contact with you all but life got very busy. I ended up getting a shot in my thumb to help with the injury, so now I can actually type again without any issues. I'm also off to Japan on the 26th of September with my brother. T and our wee dog Freya will remain at home as we're still not sure about leaving her at a boarding kennels (the dog, not the wife). 

I've started a thing with the HSE (Irish Public Medical System) about 'Better Health' it's basically a health and fitness program, and I've already told them that I'll be missing one week (while I'm away). I have almost everything I'll need for going away, which is fun, but stressful.

I've been knitting and created this...

I also have one that I did in various tones of grey, which is way cute, I have been planning on trying to do some bits for a stall for Yule. I like them and they are very warm.

I've also created a few knitted witch hat book marks, which I will photograph and post images. 

Also T's relatives arrived and we spent some time doing hostess duties, we took them off around the coast and up to the cottage for dinner and some fun games of Jenga.

Where the novels are concerned, I've almost finished prepping the following five books to Sorceress, I hope to have at least three ready for the Christmas market so if you are interested stay tuned. 

I've also changed my author name to Author B. Molloy. Might be good for those who don't think women like me can write fantasy fiction for grown up readers. 

So, for now that's all I'm sharing  

Love and Bubbles

The Wicked Writer Author B. Molloy

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Hi there, you have reached the Wicked Writer, otherwise known as Bridgina Molloy, aka abydos6, aby6 or Gina, please leave a message and I'll get right back to ya!

The Insta thing, slide two...