How often now have I restarted this blog and kept it up for a while before letting life get in the way? I wouldn't mind, but I really do love updating it as to my progress along the writing a novel and getting it published route. I really do want to keep it going, but I need to discipline myself, a post a day, or every two days at least. I've downloaded the app for the site onto my phone and kindle, so that should help (I can only hope).
So, as to news, the second novel 'Enhanced' is almost done; it's very last edit by myself. I'm handing it over to a dear friend that I've known for years in order for her to proofread it and make sure it's at least grammerically correct (t's crossed, i's dotted, and capitals where they should be). Once that's done, I will upload it for sale.
Now that's where the problem lies. I went with Amazon Kindle, mainly because I write e-novels with the option to print a copy for purchase if the buyer wants it. I like the process for an indie author who has no one behind her and has no money to afford to self-publish all by her lonesome, it's appealing. Some other companies charge for various processes along the route, and seriously, who has the money for that? I mean, have you seen how much a Cover costs? Editing? Layout? Proofreading? Printing? Selling on worldwide sites? So, tell me, what am I to do?
I am looking at Lulu, Kobo, and a few others, but as of yet, no one seems to offer the indie author the same kind of deal.
Also, may I ask, if you are going to respond to this post, can you do so politely? I don't need to be harranged over my choices, but I am open to finding out more.
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Hi there, you have reached the Wicked Writer, otherwise known as Bridgina Molloy, aka abydos6, aby6 or Gina, please leave a message and I'll get right back to ya!