Monday, March 8, 2021

A2Z Blogging Challenge 2021 Theme Reveal


Hi all, it's time once again for this year's reveal. I have decided that I will indeed be focusing on the A2Z of editing. I am looking forward to getting started. As part of my theme I will be actually editing my novel, and I will be posting a five or ten minute video, when able. 



  1. Good way to combine the challenge and your novel. Look forward to picking up some tips!

  2. Can't wait to read your posts and get some tips on editing. Weekends In Maine

  3. Thanks, excited about it all.

  4. Editing and videos?
    I'm so, so curious!

  5. Love your theme reveal and I definitely will be following. What a great talent !!! Happy Saturday <3

  6. Awesome theme and what a great way to edit your novel as you go. :)

  7. I'm looking forward to your posts.

  8. This is an interesting and useful topic!

  9. Hi Georgina, followed you here from my blog, and I’ve done an email follow so I can read your posts. Looking forward to it!


Hi there, you have reached the Wicked Writer, otherwise known as Bridgina Molloy, aka abydos6, aby6 or Gina, please leave a message and I'll get right back to ya!

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