Thursday, September 16, 2021

Chapter Outlines...

 Chapter One:   De-Rail

        The first chapter deals with the reason why Lauren Michaels is on board the train, it deals with the journey and then the crash.  This introduces all the main characters As well as a few secondary ones.

Chapter Two:  Cold Storage

        This chapter is about the Company, the organisation responsible for setting the accident. Their reasons why, we find out about the illegal cryogenics and stasis experiments.

Chapter Three:  Body Bagged

        The search for bodies amongst the wreckage. Listing the passengers, and contacting the families of the living, deceased and the missing. We are introduced to a police officer who is working on the case.

Chapter Four:   Conscience

        Some of the scientists working for the cryogenics unit of the company hear about the accident and given the influx of new ‘subjects’ put two and two together. Some decided that they won’t work this way and attempt to speak out only to be found ‘accidentally’ deceased. The company cover up the deaths by selling some story regarding stress and theft to the press and families of the deceased.

Chapter Five:  Awakenings.

        Lauren Micheals wakes to find herself in a cryogenics tube. The computer has self-activated, and she manages to escape into a destroyed lab.  Not much is left, and she’s dressed only in hospital garb. Confusion takes over her, she goes looking for help to no avail. 

Lauren manages to escape from the destroyed lab, and out into what’s left of the world nothing is as she remembered before the accident.  Buildings are destroyed…fires burn in the streets….no sign of life…and an overwhelming smell of rotten meat.

Chapter Six:   Fresh Meat.

        A searcher has found the lab, having been given coordinates by it’s boss, it arrives to find the place destroyed, and the only viable tube open and empty, it follows the trail outside, tracking Michaels carefully. 

    When he finds her she is being attacked by a group of degenerate creatures, he is about to rescue her when he sees another strange figure rush to her aide, which annoys him, he remains hidden, tracking them as the strange man ties the woman’s hands and drags her away.

Chapter Seven:  Confusion.

        Having been attacked by a group of degenerate creatures Michaels is rescued by a gruff and oddly dressed man. She is terrified when he ties her up and takes her to his hiding place. She learns that he is called the custodian. She doesn’t really trust him, but he has untied her and is feeding her a mushy substance.

Chapter Eight:  Facing Facts.

    The custodian tells her about the war. As well as a man called the hitman, who he tells her, hunts the pod people, for an organisation called the company that were responsible for the experiments and for a hunting game they play with those who wake up now.

Chapter Nine:   Illusions

        Catching the custodian sending a message, Lauren suspects him as being a member of ‘The Company’.  She refuses to have anything more to do with him and he leaves her alone.  Still protesting his innocence…. not paying heed to where she is going Lauren finds herself surrounded by ‘company’ representatives and the area boss himself ‘hitman’.

Chapter Ten:   Face Off.

        The Custodian…who turns out to be the rebel leader faces off against the hitman, once again he rescues Lauren. Leaving the hitman injured they escape. It was to his troop that he was sending messages he explains. There is, he tells her, going to be a major battle. 

Chapter Eleven:  Liberation.

        With his army behind them the company loses the ensuing battle.  After storming ‘the Company’s’ building and accessing their databases that are run of solar powered energy, they find the locations of other cryo units and having relayed the info to outlying teams release them from their chambers and begin to help them adjust to their new life. She helps them even though she is adjusting to this existence herself.

Chapter Twelve:  Loose Ends.

    The hitman has been patched up, he’s not happy about the fall of ‘the company’ and that his nemesis and old company cohort Custodian is now in charge with one of the pod people by his side. He believes that a rematch is in order, and this time he won’t lose.

    Hitman goes about recruiting from neighbouring cities, promising allergenics, and a share of the wealth if they fall in with him. Some shun him straight away, others hear him out.

Chapter Thirteen:  Rebirth.

    Lauren is happy working with the cryo, people and with the setting up of a new world order, she is settling in fine, and has feelings that might be love for custodian but finds herself missing home and her own time.

    Rumours abound about Hitman not being dead, and about the old elite seeking to take back this city as a warning to others who might get cocky. With ‘Custodian’ she rides out to meet with other rebel forces, as they need to present a united front.

Chapter Fourteen:  United Front.

    Hitman has heard from a captured rebel that Michaels and Custodian are not at the capitol, that they are on the road gathering forces, and he decides to attack using the forces he has gathered from his dubious sources, sweeping his forces forward, they are thrilled that the first two check points fall easily, but too late he realises that he has made a mistake.

    The newly recruited Rebellion forces are coming at him from behind and he is being held in between the superior gorilla (and in some cases real live gorilla hybrids), forces and them, his men are being picked off, and he realises that he is going to lose.

Chapter Fifteen:  An Uneasy Peace.

    Having won the war and with Hitman and his seconds in chains, an uneasy peace falls over the city. The rebellion moves forward under Custodians and Michaels watchful eyes, they are determined to put an end to the company and their secrets.

Well there you go, up to date on everything that I've been sharing with my wrimos on Discord for prepping your projects.  I am aware that the above is quite a block of writing but if you read through it, you will notice, that its different to the overall story outline, posted here which only goes to show that outlining doesn't need to stay written in stone, it can change, and it can change back again if you want.

Not everyone plans and plots, or preps this way, some only create a place, a character, an antagonist, or even just the overall idea, this...this is just a sneak peak into how I like to start out. I hope you have enjoyed this little snippet into my novel planning and plotting methods. As I said on the forum, if anyone wants to pinch this idea go for it, we don't all write the same way, or have the same ideas for how the story should go, feel free to take, and leave what you will. All that I ask is that you mention me someplace...


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