Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Building your Character


Good Morning my intrepid readers, welcome to todays post about building your character for your novel. Now this all depends on how you write, some of us (me, myself and I), like to plan things down to the very last bit, then you will be making or searching for a character sheet in order to do so (if you were expecting a Frankenstein Monster quip here you are sooooo out of luck).

Online I have seen several different kinds of bios, some are short and carry only the basic information, others are long and intricate (much like the one that I use, which has been an amgalmation of different ones, adding and subtracting stuff that I don't need, much like when building a zombie monster, or Frankenstein (its roughly the idea of adding and subtracting stuff until you create the beast you are happy with) which is very little as these characters might make it through all 13 books.

I have heard from some pantsers (who don't plan anything much), who just use a notebook and jot down notes about their characters, which they can refer to if needed, some of those wouldn't touch a bio with a ten foot barge pole, but to my mind (in my opinion) what they are doing is creating a character bio, but one of their own choosing and description, especially when these 'notes' end up being pulled out or copied out into a ring binder, or filed someplace for 'safe keeping' (anyone else ever find the thing you put in safe keeping ever again?). 

Here is a link to a video made by NaNo HQ on characters, and a link to the Adoption Thread on the official site which you will need to be a member of before you can see it. This year as the ML for the Galway Region I have posted my character, organisation (because I needed it for the T.G.) and world (oh so helpful, and ooooohhhhhh so long) building bio's in our discord as part of the Preptember warm up before Preptober and then the main event NANO (did anyone else hear that in a deep resounding microphone wrestling voice? no, just me then)...anyhoo, leave me a message, let me know how you create, and if you'll be doing NANO this year (add your region so I know where you are lol). 

Love and Bubbles

TWW / Aby6 / Gina 

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