Wednesday, April 6, 2022

E is for...


Okay, here's another odd one, but stick with me, it will make sense.


     Essays can be inspiring and can even help you inspire yourself. Many writers have written in essay             format, and also written about the art of writing, which in itself is inspirational. 

     How about checking out these websites and see what they inspire:



  1. Surfing your Challenge letters and enjoying your posts. You left a note on my blog that you are list #189, and so I'm paying it forward and glad for the new blog (yours) that I just found.

  2. Essays. Are blog posts essays? Some of them? A to Z challenge makes you write. Write and interact with a big blogger community.
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Insecure Writers Support Group March 5 2025

Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been thr...