Tuesday, April 12, 2022

J is for...



Journals can be a great source of inspiration, either for fiction or nonfiction, also dead handy for research and figuring out how things work. Now these can be real life, non fictional Journals written by people who lived in the time period that you might be researching. There are also academic journals which contain articles on all sorts of subjects, these can be read, and ideas might sprint to life.

Also it's good to note that if you are stuck with what you are writing, one method out is to write the next section as if you were writing about in in your diary, or journal. What also works is writing about it as if you were being interviewed after the fact, sometimes these ideas can help you figure out a blank spot, and give inspiration to the rest of what you're writing.



Why not click on on or both of these links and see what you think.


  1. Been trying to do better at keeping a journal.

    1. Its difficult, I am the same way myself, but I enjoy reading other peoples.

  2. I have never used those methode, but I have a feeling that next time I'll get stuck, I'll try that!

    The Old Shelter - Enter the New Woman

    1. awesome, I really do hope they work for you. I have found them very handy.


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The Insta thing, slide two...