Monday, March 13, 2023

A2Z theme reveal 2023.

 Okay, here goes, this year, I will be blogging about character creation. I've already outlined something for each letter, and it was complicated in coming up with the letters of the alphabet, but I managed. I'm really looking forward to doing the challenge this year.

When writing a novel, novella, short story, graphic novel, playing DnD or even script writing there is something that everyone has to do and that is create a character. It's not just about hair and eye colour or how tall they are, there is a lot more to creating a well rounded character and over the month of April, I aim to at least help you fill that character out.


  1. I look forward to reading your A to Z!

  2. Yup, creating a character is essential. Thanks for your comment on my blog. I will follow you.

  3. My comment showed "anonymous" but I am Em-Musing

  4. I'll be interested in reading your posts. I've always thought of devloping characters as a magical skill.

  5. What a great theme! I have an ancestor I'm trying to fictionalize for a novel, so character development is key. Look forward to you posts. I'll be in A to Z blogging about my high school years in the late Sixties. See you in April!

  6. In the small amount of fiction writing I've done, I've learned just how difficult this can be. Good luck, and thank you for visiting my blog reveal.

  7. This sounds just what I need for my historical family fiction writing. Looking forward to it.

  8. Great theme. I'm looking forward to following along. I do character profiles for my novels and it really is helpful. See you in April.


Hi there, you have reached the Wicked Writer, otherwise known as Bridgina Molloy, aka abydos6, aby6 or Gina, please leave a message and I'll get right back to ya!

Happy Wednesday....

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