Saturday, March 25, 2023

A2Z Update...

 As a Writer and Author, along with all the social media platforms, the website and apparently the creation of a newsletter, blogging is an important method of keeping in touch with your fan base, or hoped for fanbase. I will be using my own blog
during April in order to participate in this Challenge, there are no prizes (one nice sticker to say you survived) and you can take Sunday's off. 

This is a chance to showcase your blog and what you do during the entire month, you choose blogs on the list to follow and leave comments, and they do the same with you. I've been participating in one form or another since 2013, but lost a good many of them when I switched to wordpress (which didn't work out for me) and now that I'm back with Blogger I am sooooo looking forward to getting stuck back in.

This year I will be blogging about the A2Z of character creation. Who knows it might even be informative. Why not pop by and see what I'm up to.

Love and Bubbles

Author Bridgina Molloy / TWW / Abydos6

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Hi there, you have reached the Wicked Writer, otherwise known as Bridgina Molloy, aka abydos6, aby6 or Gina, please leave a message and I'll get right back to ya!

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