Thursday, March 30, 2023

Missing in action...


Diablo shoer-molloy 2016 -2023

I have been absent due to the devastating loss of our beloved boy Diablo. He is survived by his pet moms G&T, his sister, Freya, and the smelly ancient cat.

He was meant to have an operation (liver shunt), but underlying and unknown conditions led to sizures and us having to help him cross over.

none of it seems real to us, he was a brilliant and mischevious, little man. We haven't been able to stop grieving, our eyes are red, our hearts are aching, eating is a thing we do for energy and so that Freya doesnt get stressed out as routine is important. 

he was, and will always be the bestest goodest boy ever and we will remember and miss him always. 



  1. Poor boy! Seven is too young. You have my sympathy. It's never easy, no matter what the age or illness. We lost three dogs in 11 months, two within 2 months, last year. It's a shock.

    1. I am so sorry to hear that @Jabblog, how devastating. We are trying to keep it together and continue the routine as before, even though a big part of that is missing. His sister Freya depends on it. Thank you so, so much for your comment.


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