Friday, April 26, 2024

W is for...

 Writers Well Being...

Get up from the computer, walk around. Drink water, eat your breakfast, lunch and dinner, have a snack, eat your vitamins and exercise.

Get ass up of chair, go to the café (if there is one nearby), or the library, or a local bookstore (if you are lucky to have one), or even now that spring / summer is here, drag out the garden furniture (if you are lucky enough to have a garden and furniture to put in it), and drink in the sun (if you have a phone, tablet or laptop you might even be able to work outside), wear sunscreen, take your meds.

Go for a walk, say hello to people, and then do some people watching. It keeps the brain active.

Get in car, bring sun cream, take dog, and or book, go to beach, lie on towel, put on sunglasses and read for a bit, or put on hat and walk a bit with dog. Throw a ball, dance in the sea. 

We spend so much time indoors, we end up looking like vampires, and lycans. Writers need to look after themselves and their wellbeing. 


No we aren't going to talk about writers block again, we've done that one. Nope we're going to talk about the wall that's beside your desk, or table, and how it can be used to help you plan out your novel, or your story, or even how it can be used to keep track of your characters and what they've been up to.


Get a pin board, or make one. Use it to tack cards or sheets of paper with the info on them to the board with tacks or blue tack, beside your desk is a perfect place to hang one of these. It's also handy to have any visuals you have of your characters or your worlds pinned on one of these.

My office walls are covered in postcards, images, and character info, inspiration for when I write, something to look at to spur me on if I get stuck. Don't overlook the use of a good wall and notice board.

my wall notice board

wall beside my computer
Across from where I sit

Writers Well Being

Well Being

Master Mind

Craft your Content

Writing Forward



Crafty Arts

Hobby Craft


  1. Good advice. I only write for an hour or so in the mornings and an hour or so in the evenings. It's all I have time for, but its wise to get out and be involved. I like the wall idea too. I immediately turned ot look at the wall beside my desk and imagined...

  2. Your walls look much like mine, filled with notes. My walls are useful. I've also made little clotheslines with jute string to hold notes across small, open areas. Whatever works!
    Great post. I enjoy your blog.


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