Monday, April 29, 2024

Y is for...

 Well hello there folks, how do you feel today the second last day of the A to Z blogging challenge? Me I'm grand, though I did just discover the word I was going to use today has already been covered previously, so I'm gonna do something different...

I'm going to invite YOU to tell ME something about what you are working on. 

Just so you won't be alone, 

I'm working on editing two novels, one is the second novel that should have been out last year, but had too many errors. It's based on a woman who falls through a dimensional portal and ends up in a world full of enhanced beings, and the goblin thief that caused it.

The other is for a Writers Digest e-novel competition in June based on vampires.

Now it's YOUR turn...respond in the comments, I look forward to reading them.

Also please note, on Wednesday I'll be responding in a blog post to the comments that were left on the blog during the A to Z before taking a bit of a break.


  1. I just found you from a comment you left on an older post of mine, Questions for Writers. Following, as I love to follow other writers on Blogger. If you've seen any of my A to Z posts then you know what I'm currently working on, the second book in my travel trilogy. The first one, We Burned Our Boats, came out early this year, and this one is still untitled. I don't normally post my work online but I thought I'd do it this time for the Challenge, and it's been a fun exercise.

  2. I'm been quite consumed with blog hopping, but I pre wrote and scheduled all my posts in March so that I could visit and comment on as many blogs as I could. My WIP has been on hold, but I will soon get back to it and build on the 10K words I have so far. I submitted three short stories in the past week, and I've also started with a new ghostwriting client. I'm writing his biography.


Hi there, you have reached the Wicked Writer, otherwise known as Bridgina Molloy, aka abydos6, aby6 or Gina, please leave a message and I'll get right back to ya!

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