Saturday, April 20, 2024

X is for....

 Xerox - copy/plagiarism

It is something that we writers need to keep in mind when we are writing that we must keep a copy of our work, that is dated with the date that the work was created on, so that if it ever comes to it that we can prove that we were the originator of the work. This is also why I like to keep a paper copy of the outline or first draft, that is dated, so that I can show this.

I don't know if it's true, but there was a thing before that said you should print off your first draft (outline), and send it to yourself, leave it forever in it's envelope, only to be opened at the time you need to prove that it's yours.

Plagiarism is getting harder and harder to detect especially with the rise of AI. In the world of academia it's so difficult to ascertain if a work has been plagiarised as so many quote or misquote works of previous writers. 

Check out the copyright laws of your land, and ensure that you adhere to them just in case you may need to prove that a work you have done is indeed yours and not a copy of someone else's.

I find it's handy to Xerox (copy) your first draft and keep the written or printed one, which is dated in a separate file (paper file/folder), well you wouldn't want to loose it by forgetting to save it and shutting down your computer wrong.

Xenagogue - A guide

I do firmly believe that we all should guide the ones who come after us, the young writers, or younger writers who are struggling to figure this whole business out. The ones that have a disability, or live in underprivileged areas, or just don't have the finances to achieve what the rest of have managed to do.

We can still make our money, but in the process, we must not loose ourselves, our kindness. 


Government Ireland


US copyright office

UK Copyright

Would you believe I couldn't find a single blog or website about guiding authors...go figure, if you know of any, let me know.

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