Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Z is for...

 Zenith...or the highest point an Author can dream to be...

For me, the highest point I can possibly dream of reaching is to be a well known author, with a fantastic fan base who love my books and quite possibly create conventions dedicated to my world and books...far fetched...possibly, but I know it can happen. 

For other authors their Zenith might be to be on the best seller list, their novels giving them the opportunity to live in a swanky house, and buy amazing expensive stuff while going on book tours and signings.

Some might see their Zenith as being a teacher, passing on what they know and helping new authors strive to reach their own Zenith's. 

For anyone still reading the blog, what would your Zenith be?

P.S. Couldn't find anything on 'Authors Zenith' so I've posted links on how to become a top author instead.


This is typically how I end my A to Z's. 

Zen is the place you get into when you are in the 'flow' of writing, and everything is going right. Your thoughts transfer exactly as you think them onto paper, and the plot has no need of darning up plot holes. 

Being Zen and accepting how things are going right now is also a thing, I think we all need to go with the flow at times, and if it's not working, then save your work, switch off the computer, stand up and go for a walk, go talk to some buddies, get some air, play with the pets...and just be 'Zen' about it all.


Master Class

Now Novel

Writing Ireland


Okay, couldn't find anything to do with this, but I did find a poster that I love...

click to make larger

Congratulations on reaching the end of A to Z 2024, how did you do?


  1. My zenith would be to find a moment of Zen at least once a day. :-)

  2. Zenith and Zen-- two great Z words for the last day. My Zenith would be similar to yours, where I had a large reading audience who looked forward to each book. Large enough where I could support my modest lifestyle with writing my books.

  3. Writing full time (but without pressure) for a 6 figure income. MY work and ghostwriting autobiographies and memoirs. Having people handle my social media and marketing, and other people to make apportionments for me (speaking engagements and book signings etc). That is my dream. Thank you so much for your A to Z posts. I've enjoyed them a lot and found them helpful.

  4. The comment about finding Zen was from me. I don't know why it doesn't show my name. http://debioneille.blogspot.com

  5. That first one is the dream, isn't it? Though mine is more grounded: earning enough from my writing to support all of my various animals (and myself, of course). LOL.

    Ronel visiting for Z: My Languishing TBR: Z
    Zombies in Folklore and Fiction

  6. At this point in my life (69), I would be happy just to have the novel I am currently working on, published, and to finish the one I started first and get that one published too. Its a bit late to expect more than that I think. I will be reading more of your writing tips now April is over...


Hi there, you have reached the Wicked Writer, otherwise known as Bridgina Molloy, aka abydos6, aby6 or Gina, please leave a message and I'll get right back to ya!

Cutting free the unNesscary.

Over the past couple of days, I've been wandering around the various groups I follow on FB and cutting loose those that aren't being...