Friday, April 30, 2021

A2Z Blogging Challenge, Z is for...



As the saying goes, if you can put ‘by zombies’ at the end of your sentence and it makes sense, then you need to change it, of course, this only applies in something that is not about Zombies lol.


Zone of Writing:

This is the state a writer gets into when in the swing of things, when the muse has stricken them with the absolute necessity to write, when everything flows perfectly and it all makes sense, it’s best not to interrupt this if at all possible, and hopefully it will happen when you in the process of writing up your next draft…


Zen, the state of completion, happiness:

This is the last bit, the end of the edit, when you have completed all the levels and are ready to either send it to an agent, or to a traditional publishing house, or even publishing it yourself on Amazon. It is here where you breathe the sigh of relief, and pat yourself on the back. YOU ARE DONE!


  1. Yes, getting into the zone of writing is a great feeling and may produce some of the best scenes of a novel. The Zen of completion lasts from the final "the end" until it is time to market the finished product. Congratulations on completing this year's AtoZChallenge. We should all be in the Zen zone about now.

  2. Zen is the perfect word to complete your challenge! Well done, and thank you for all the great advices, and tips.
    Time to rest now ;)


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The Insta thing, slide two...