Just an FYI, I am no longer ML for the Galway Wrimos region. I decided to step down for now as we have plans on moving to another region *fingers crossed come on the council* Also I'm taking time out to try to get to grips with the rest of my writing and some crafting that gets put on the long finger. To which end, there have been some changes.
Sorcery is now SORCERESS, the Transdimensional Guardians are the Cross Dimensional Guardians and the finished novel has been sent out to beta readers for the final looksee before I take down the old copy and put up the new one.
I have also started editing the second novel in the series which is now called ENHANCED, this has also had a couple of things changed in it.
I will take part in NaNo, but I am not going to be ML, I hope someone from the Wrimo group will come forward.
These sound like good changes BS FIIS OEIFEWAA!