Saturday, April 30, 2022

Y and Z are for....

As I won't be around tomorrow to finish up with the daily letters, I'm going to finish up today. 


Yellow Journalism is another name for tabloid journalism and can also be quite handy for the inspiration to write. These present little or no legitimate, well-researched news while using eye-catching headlines for increased sales. Techniques may include exaggerations of news events, scandalmongering, or sensationalism. All of which can be extremely handy when looking for something to write.


This is one of my favourites, I usually have it in all my A2Z’s, as getting yourself into a headspace where you are ready to write. Where your ideas flow freely, and you are relaxed. Meditation can help with this, as can some incense (if you are not allergic), and having a dedicated space.

I want to thank everyone that has followed my blog during the A2Z Blogging Challenge, it's been a blast, here's to the last two days.

1 comment:

  1. Yellow journalism-- glad it has some place to exist.
    Zen -- We could all use more of this.

    Great post! Hopefully you enjoyed the A to Z Challenge as much as we did!
    ~ The Operation Awesome Team


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